fredag 5 februari 2010

A day in my second life

Blanche read my boring blog when I was sooooo bored in SL, so hon gave me pillow to lay on and listen music and look at the stars.. it helped a little, anyway I like the lazy pose :-) Thanks blanch, but that broom you gave me for cleaning my cafe.. POFF its just disapaired , hmm, like men do when you ask them to clean. hihi
I cant found it anywhere, maybe it has run off to my dear neighbor Golv Mopp on date :-)) my cat used to run there to get better food.
We also went to a nice place where we took a trip with a crazy bird :-) and funny houses with shops inside.
The place and adress you find in Blanches Blog.

Many funny and nice people visit the park, one evening I found this old man sitting and ry feed the ducks :-))

2 kommentarer:

  1. Typiskt pensionärer! Mena ankor! Du får skaffa duvor o en parkbänk oxå kanske fler kommer? =)

  2. vad , ska ankor inte få mat oxå lol vad ere för diskriminering.
